Why is it a special edition one? We will be reaching the far corners of the US in a virtual meetup. There will be 3 time zones, 5 clubs, and a 6 hour time difference (+/- 3 for us in WA). We will be joined by Tesla Owners Club South Florida for their first Charge & Chat, Tesla Hawaii Club, San Diego Tesla Club, and Tesla Owners Club Northeast. Plus, the unofficial, yet, Alaska Club will be joining us.
We will start our Charger Chat at 12pm PDT with our local club members, share info with new owners/potential owners, and spread the word about Tesla! At 1pm PDT, we will virtually join up with Tesla Owners Club South Florida, San Diego, Tesla Hawaii Club, and Tesla Owners Club Northeast as well.
For TOWA members only - If you'd like to caravan up, we'll gather in the parking lot near Dandy Dogs in Bothell (18222 120th Ave NE, Bothell, WA 98011) at 10:00am with wheels up as 10:15am. Or you can just meet up in Blaine at noon.
For TONE members only - You will be meeting at the Seabrook Commons Superchargers, 700 Lafayette Road Seabrook, NH 03874. Check your FB group for the specific time for your club's gathering. When registering for your meetup, please add TONE to the end of your last name so I can let your club President know that you will be attending.
With the latest WA outdoor gathering requirements, we are limited to 15 members from two households per group! As long as each group follows the six feet apart rule, wears a face mask covering your nose and mouth completely, we can have bigger gatherings. So let's keep our distance so we can have more of these events.
This event will be outside so dress accordingly! This time of year we could get almost anything. We still need to follow state gathering restrictions, wear face masks and social distance when outside our vehicles. Please bring your own refreshments!
Hope to see you there! If you aren't able to join us in person, you can watch the event live on YouTube by clicking this link, https://youtu.be/l5icFY7KDxw.