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Owens Farms Tour & Lunch

  • 16 Jul 2022
  • 11:00 AM (PDT)
  • Owens Farms, Spokane, WA, 99223
  • 0


  • For non-TOWA members, the Farm Tour and Lunch is $15.00 per person.
  • RSVP for Farm Tour and Lunch for member and up to 3 guests

Registration is closed

Justin Owens, one of our NE chapter members, has kindly offered us a tour at his family's farm with lunch to follow.  

The Owens Farms is renowned for their rare Piedmontese cattle.   The Owens Farms is located approximately 25 minutes southeast from downtown Spokane or about 15 minutes from South Hill. 

Fees for the event:

TOWA members and guests are free.

Non-TOWA members are $15.00 per person.


1100 Start/social period

1130 Tour begins

1200 Lunch


7205 E Palouse HWY

Valleyford, WA

Please see the attached photo and map to aid you in directions.  The Tesla navigation is likely to have you turn on an incorrect South Stevens Creek Road.  YOU WANT TO TURN OFF PALOUSE HWY TO GO THROUGH GATES THAT HAVE THE OWENS FARMS SIGN and go up the hill.  

Map of event:

For more information on Owens Farms:

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7241 185th Avenue NE, #3191

Redmond, WA  98073 

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