Galactic Showdown with this Lightshow!
Embrace your inner geek with this Worldwide Tesla Lightshow. The global lightshow will travel around the globe for an epic collaboration. This lightshow will be available to download closer to the event. There will be a few thumb drives on hand for purchase at the event for $5.00 each cash only. Make sure your Tesla is able to play a custom light show before signing up. Not all Teslas are created equal.
You can record the live event but don't post it publicly anywhere until after the worldwide final cut video is posted to the public.
Pre-registered attendees will have first priority to participate in the Lightshow. Once all of the pre-registered attendees have arrived, non-registered Teslas will be allowed to join if space is available.
More details will come as we get closer the event and a location is determined.
Come join the international fun!